
Fast and Furious We Ride the Universe.

Just so you know, the noise was sort of like a...


If you've ever seen that video of the kid getting an N64, you'll know how I felt.

I just scared the cat. He looks pissed.

So...It Begins

At this precise moment I am being a bit of a naughty noodle, as I am in the office (yes, I AM fancy) and should be doing important office-y things. I must state however, that I am currently in a constant state of hyper-panic due to my job involving lots of internet face time and not having yet watched yesterdays Raw. I realise I have been a bit of a slow-loris on the whole posting front of late, but I have been too busy marking out over the current title holders after TLC and other such excellent events. Also, I apologise to no man. Only to my mother. Frequently. Anyway, if the mystery man turns out to be Jericho, I will attach a link to a sound clip of how my voice sounded at the exact moment of the announcement. I hope tinnitus doesn't run in your family.

Happy New Year. The world ends with you.